Monthly Archives: October 2014

Interviews – Do’s and Don’ts

At the start of a career, we face a number of interviews. The interviews play a crucial role in our lives; they are like make up or break up moments. There are suggestions given by renowned 5WPR public relation firm owner, Ronn Torossian who describes interviews are the most important aspect not only for the employee but for the employers as well.

The employer need to verify, recheck and assure that the interviewee is enough capable of handling activities anticipated by the concerned department of the business firm. As suggested by Ronn Torossian, the interviewee is keen interested in answering all the questions, as interviewee knows that this is the only chance in hand. They forget to keep one thing in mind is that the interviewer is not looking for the right answers only, the approach towards an answer is also important.

This means matching answers to the tunes of the interviewer is important by hitting the right chord at the right time. The establishment of a connection between two parties is far more important than any other thing. The issue of flexibility needs to be discussed at an early stage. Versatility is one issue, in which one needs to be familiar with. It is an issue, which is ever evolving and described as mandatory aspect in todays’ business. More about Ronn Torossian visit at Algemeiner.